To Unite-i-fize means to: Use the Internet to create community, by communicating, collaborating, and cooperating on a global scale
Imagine if humanity had had the Internet at the time Columbus 'discovered' what to him was a 'new' world. The indigenous people, whose home this 'new' world was, could have gone online and alerted their kindred saying: "Beware sisters and brothers! --- there's this dude who has showed up on our shores. He has claimed our homeland for himself, and apparently he plans on exploiting us big time. Let's join together and stop this guy before he goes too far."
Well, unfortunately for them, the indigenous people didn't have any way of communicating with each other, and so their fate was to suffer the extreme cruelty of 500 years of brutal, exploitive colonization.
As discussed in this website's companion website [Let's], the plague of colonization continues to this day, this time being executed by Giant Corporations. Fortunately for us though, we have the Internet. We, the Many can now communicate with each other and join together to defend ourselves from the exploitation by the Few --- we can Unite-i-fize!
So let's Unite-i-fize to throw off this stranglehold giant corporations have over us. We could start our own social media site. Of course make its legal business status a cooperative. Perhaps it could be called something like Wizards and Wise Ones, a place where the younger generation (who know how to use the tool of the internet so well) can gather with the elders of the tribe (who have so much wisdom to offer). Together, the Wizards and Wise Ones could become an unstoppable opponent of the exploitive corporations.
On the Wizards and Wise Ones social media platform, we could invite our friends, relatives, and anyone who might be interested, to play [ HOME ] --- and invite them to invite their friends, relatives, and anyone who might be interested in playing.
We could form clubs with our friends, relatives, and anyone interested to strategize about ways to implement the solutions presented on | HOME ]. We could get very creative with this! --- and have fun while we're doing it :-)
Pretty soon, the whole world will be playing Harmony On Mother Earth / [ HOME ].
By Unite-i-fizing, we can inform the whole world of HOME game's solutions.. We can get everybody on the same page and playing together with this. We can start a worldwide movement that will make the world work for all living beings ... in the shortest possible time.
In this fun 3 minute TED Talk, Derek Sivers demonstrates 'How To start a Movement'.
So, if you're a student, be like the lone nut and invite your fellow students to play [ HOME ]. If you're a teacher, invite your fellow teachers to play [ HOME], and invite your students to play too. If you have an Alma Mater, tell it about [ HOME ]. If you have a job, invite your co-workers to play [ HOME ]. If you worship at a temple, synagog, or church, invite your co-worshipers to play [ HOME ]. If you're a fan of a particular sport, invite your fellow fans to play [ HOME ]. If you're a member of any organization, invite your fellow members to play [ HOME ]. Invite people in countries other than your own to play. Let the Movement begin! Let's create Harmony On Mother Earth!