Welcome to [HOME game plan.info] This website offers suggestions to Team HUMANKIND on how it might implement the solutions presented on the [HOME game.info] website.
The [ HOME game ] website explains the 2 opposing teams playing [ HOME game ]
Team HUMANKIND (the Many (who are living, breathing, real human beings) and
Team GRUNCH (the Few (who are giant corporations, non-human legal entities).
When playing a game, it's helpful to understand your opponent's strategy. So here, on this page, we, Team HUMANKIND, will familiarize ourselves with some of Team GRUNCH's strategy. Discussed here will be 7 tactics and 2 myths that Team GRUNCH uses to perpetuate its control over Team HUMANKIND.
Seven Tactics
Divide-and-Conquer tactic
Keep-them-in-Debt tactic
Keep-them-Fearful-Depressed-Apathetic tactic
Hide-behind-the-Curtain tactic
Muddy-the-Waters tactic
Kill-the-Messenger tactic
Astroturfing tactic
Two Myths
Survival-of-the-Fittest myth
Scarcity myth
This summation of Team GRUNCH's main tactics and myths may seem like a lot of reading to do, but look at it as 'practice', like the practice that any member of a sports team must do in order to play well.
To cheer us along our way, and to help break up this long narrative, pictures of some of the 'fans' of Team HUMANKIND are sprinkled in here and there along with Team HUMANKIND's Chant/Mantra ... Enjoy this Moment!
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System GRUNCHERY is the oppressive operating system in which we humans are now struggling. Team GRUNCH has established this system as a way that they, the Few can control us, the Many.
Team GRUNCH uses giant corporations to perpetuate System GRUNCHERY. Corporations are mandated by law to make a profit. This mandate, this one law/rule/code that they must obey --- to make a profit --- legitimizes and therefore gives rise to the malfeasance (which means evil activity) on the part of the administrators of corporations.
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Corporations have insinuated themselves into every aspect of human society. Worldwide, all our major societal institutions and industries have been 'corporatized'. These 'corporatized' institutions and industries include: government, religions, military, agriculture, education, media, finance, energy-water-and-communication utilities, healthcare, insurance, welfare, sports teams, police, prisons, and more.
Because these institutions and industries have become corporatized they too must abide by the one law that corporations must abide by---to make a profit. They are mandated by law to do so. The needs of people and Mother Earth are completely disregarded under such a mandate. The result of this is that whenever an institution or industry becomes 'corporatized', there is soon to follow serious social dysfunction and environmental crisis.
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Wars are mostly orchestrated by corporations. Giant corporations always profit from a war, no matter which 'side' they're on. That's why giant corporations are so keen on orchestrating wars because wars create a demand for products that some corporations are selling (such as bullets, bombs, and bandages). Examine which corporations greatly profit from a war and you'll likely find the orchestrators of that war.
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So here's a synopsis of 7 tactics and 2 myths that Team GRUNCH uses to maintain its control over Team HUMANKIND, ways the Few maintain their control over the Many.
1. Divide-and-Conquer tactic
For centuries this has been the main way the Few have used to control the Many. Today, using this tactic, Team GRUNCH methodically and deliberately dismantles entire communities and cultures.
An article by Conn Hallinanexplains this tactic very well. In it he states: "Divide and conquer was 19th and early 20th century colonialism’s single most successful tactic of domination. It was also a disaster, one which still echoes in civil wars and regional tensions across the globe. Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British (giant colonizing corporations) set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion."
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This tactic was 'discovered' and used by the British colonizing companies (the Team GRUNCH of those times) when colonizing Ireland hundreds of years ago. Conn Hallinan continues: "the English had tried any number of schemes to tame the restive Irish and build a wall between conquerors and conquered. One set of laws, the 1367 Statutes of Kilkenny, forbade “gossiping” with the natives. All of them failed. Then the English hit on the idea of using ethnicity, religion, and privilege to construct a society with built-in divisions.
It worked like a charm.
The divisions were finally codified in the Penal Laws of 1692, divisions that still play themselves out in the streets of Belfast and Londonderry. Besides denying Catholics any civil rights (and removing those rights from Protestants who intermarried with them), the Laws blocked Catholics from signing contracts, becoming lawyers, or hiring more than two apprentices. In essence, they insured that Catholics would remain poor, powerless, and locked out of the modern world.
The laws were, in the words of the great English jurist Edmund Burke, “A machine of wide and elaborate contrivance and as well fitted for the oppression, impoverishment and degradation of a people as ever proceeded from the perverted ingenuity of man.”
"Once the English hit on the tactic of using ethnic and religious differences to divide a population, the conquest of Ireland became a reality. Within 250 years, that formula would be transported to India, Africa, and the Middle East.
Sometimes populations were splintered by religions, as with Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims in India. Sometimes societies were divided by tribes, as with the Ibos and Hausa in Nigeria. Sometimes, as in Ireland, foreign ethnic groups were imported and used as a buffer between the colonial authorities and the colonized. That is how large numbers of East Indians ended up in Kenya, South Africa, British Guyana, and Uganda. It was 'divide and conquer' that made it possible for an insignificant island in the north of Europe to rule the world. Division and chaos, tribal, religious and ethnic hatred, were the secret to empire. Guns and artillery were always in the background in case things went awry, but in fact, it rarely came to that.
It would appear the Israelis have paid close attention to English colonial policy because their policies in the Occupied Territories bear a distressing resemblance to Ireland under the Penal Laws."
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Here's a modern example of the Divide-and-Conquer tactic ... the division of India into 2 different nations: Pakistan and India. The movie 'The Viceroy's House' tells this story very well. It's takes place in the late 1940's at the time when India was transitioning from 300 years of colonial rule by British companies/corporations to a free and independent nation. Lord Mountbatten was sent to India by the British monarchy to serve as the viceroy overseeing the handover of power from the British to the Indians. (A viceroy is the chief authority in a colony who governs on behalf of the colonizing monarch.) Mountbatten truly thought he was there to make the transition to freedom as smooth as possible for the Indian people. He, like most Indians (including Gandhi) wanted a one nation India ... after all, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and people of other religions had lived together there in relative harmony for centuries before the British companies colonized them. But unbeknownst to Mountbatten, giant oil corporations had other plans. Those giant oil corporations wanted India divided into 2 different nations, Pakistan and India, and they were working with British politicians to carry out their plans. Here's a dialogue from the movie that demonstrates this. The dialogue is between Lord Mountbatten and a British politician, Lord Ismay.
Ismay: "We have to protect our interests here. Churchill can see it."
Mountbatten: "See what?"
Ismay: "The future. Look at the map. Look at where the power will lie. The Gulf oil. We need to secure our access you see, to those huge reserves, and block access by others. We'll have that security courtesy of Pakistan."
Mountbatten: "You divided India for oil?!!!"
Ismay: "For security. There's a Soviet Empire. Stalin needs a warm-water eastern port. He's had his sights set on Karachi. He won't get that now."
Mountbatten: "Pakistan will be easier to influence than an unruly India with its socialist leanings. Is that what you imagine?"
Ismay: "It's not my place to imagine."
Mountbatten: "You have used me and my family."
Ismay: "You came here to serve your king and country, and you've done so admirably. I hear they're promoting you from viscount to earl."
Mountbatten: "What about the people whose lives have been destroyed by this?"
Ismay: "That's unfortunate. Nobody foresaw."
Mountbatten: "Blood is on your hands."
Ismay: "But Dickie, it's your name on the plan. It'll always be known as the Mountbatten Plan."
The epilogue of the movie says this: "The partition of India led to the largest mass migration in human history. 14 million people were displaced. One million Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs died."
And that was just the beginning of the vast turmoil that has erupted since, and is still going on to this day ... quite a play by Team GRUNCH! ... OUCH! It has become known in India and Pakistan as 'The Tragedy of Partition'.
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So beware Team HUMANKIND! Team GRUNCH uses this Divide-and-Conquer tactic everyday through any means possible, to keep us divided and fighting amongst ourselves. It's the main tactic the Few use to control us, the Many, a population that vastly --- vastly --- outnumbers them. We're only playing into their hands by falling for this tactic. Let's stop fighting amongst ourselves.
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Team HUMANKIND, please be extra aware that Team GRUNCH uses 'ISMs' to perpetuate this division between peoples, to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. --- ISMs create SCHISMS --- Team GRUNCH encourages people to identify with and label themselves as belonging to different ISM camps: capitalism vs. socialism communism vs. fascism liberalism vs. conservatism progressivism vs. traditionalism patriotism vs. pacifism judaism vs. islamism catholicism vs. protestantism hinduism vs. buddhism anarchism vs. nationalism racism - sexism - elitism disestablishmentarianism vs. antidisestablishmentarianism (just checking to see if you're awake ;-)
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By being aware of this tactic, Team HUMANKIND can stick together and avoid falling into the trap of fighting amongst ourselves. Do your own experiment with this --- get to know anybody who is in any of the ISM camps that you aren't in, and you'll almost assuredly find a good person who wants the same things out of life that you do --- to be comfortable, to be happy, and to enjoy this beautiful life we've been given.
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2. Keep-them-in-Debt tactic
If you're like most of us, you know the stifling, suffocating feeling that being in debt induces. Team GRUNCH controls Team HUMANKIND by keeping us in debt. Being in debt obliges us to do the bidding of Team GRUNCH. Being in debt pressures us to relinquish what is nearest and dearest to us in order to pay our debt.
You might think this tactic is a modern development, as demonstrated by an entire generation of young U.S. citizens being hobbled with student-loan-debt by corporate banks and corporate universities. But as you'll see below, the history of this tactic can be traced back to at least the founding fathers of the United States of America.
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Americans are of course taught that their founding fathers were the good guys, and being freedom lovers, revolted against the oppressive rule of the British. In fact, the founding fathers were British subjects, colonizers themselves living in America, and they didn't want to share the spoils of their exploitations with their fellow compatriots 'back home'.
Furthermore, some of the common people 'back home' in England were working very hard to abolish slavery within the British Empire. Most of the founding fathers were slave owners (George Washington and Thomas Jefferson included) and no way did they want to free their slaves.
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Also, back in England, there was talk of honoring some of the treaties that had been made with the Native Americans. Honoring these treaties would allow the Native Americans to take back some of the land the British/American colonizers had stolen from them. George Washington himself was one such land-grabber. Astonishingly, he had acquired over 60,000 acres (yes, 60K!) of 'western land' by mercenary means, and he didn't want to give it back to the Native Americans. And so he became very instrumental in orchestrating the American Revolution --- (remember, as stated above, most wars are orchestrated by corporations). In this case, George Washington was affiliated with many 'Land Companies' that were stealing the Native Americans' land, selling it to settlers, and making huge profits.
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In one of Washington's biographies, 'His Excellency: George Washington', author Joseph Ellis relates a particularly telling story of how Washington really felt about the 'freedom of the people.' He writes of how, in 1784, Washington "decided to tour his western holdings and came upon several families who had settled on plots he owned in western Pennsylvania. One can only imagine the disappointment the settlers felt in learning that the land they had been cultivating as their own for many years actually belonged to an absentee owner, and that the owner was none other than George Washington. When they questioned the legality of his title, Washington hired a lawyer to have them evicted if they refused to leave or pay him rent as tenants --- the court case dragged on for two years, pitting the most powerful figure in the nation against a feisty bunch of impoverished farmers."
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During the Revolutionary war George Washington established a policy of genocide against the Native Americans, ordering the murder of them --- every man, woman, and child. This is not much different than what Stalin or Hitler did. In fact, the Iroquois word for President means "village destroyer'. As Walter Benjamin said: "History is written by the victors." Of course, the victors have always put their own spin on things in order to make themselves look good. But now, with Internet-enabled transparency, we can find out the truth behind the spin / lies that have been fed to us as factual history.
After the Revolution was won by the American colonizers, there were still Native Americans occupying much of the land that the colonizers wanted. So Thomas Jefferson, who was President at the time, and being the colonizer that he was, came up with the 'Keep-them-in-Debt' tactic to wrest the land away from them. In 1803 he wrote a letter to a fellow colonizer explaining his tactic:
"To promote this disposition to exchange lands, which they have to spare and we want, for necessaries, which we have to spare and they want, we shall push our trading uses, and be glad to see the good and influential individuals among them run in debt, because we observe that when these debts get beyond what the individuals can pay, they become willing to lop them off by a cession of lands." from Wikipedia 'Thomas Jefferson and Native Americans.'
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So there you have it ... George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, revered founding fathers of the United States of America, really just big time team players for Team GRUNCH --- like most politicians have ever been --- like most politicians today.
This tactic is basically psychological warfare. Team GRUNCH uses its control of all media (TV, radio, newspapers, social media, books, film, bill-boards) to carry out this psychological warfare. What we now call 'mainstream' media is completely owned and controlled by giant corporations. This 'corporatized' media is constantly spewing out 'junk food' for our minds and souls, keeping us in a constant state of fear, anxiety and/or despair. And when the fear and the anxiety and the despair becomes too much for us to bear, some of us just go numb to it all --- we become apathetic.
Being fearful, being anxious, being depressed, being apathetic --- each of these states disengages us from a full, robust engagement with life. These states basically disempower and neutralize us, This then enables Team GRUNCH to do its dastardly deeds with impunity.
The best anecdote to this tactic is to eat less of this 'junk food' for our minds and souls. Or at least be aware that when we do consume 'corporatized' media, we're the target of one of the most subtle, and sophisticated indoctrination schemes ever to be unleashed upon humankind. It's a scheme to control what we think --- a scheme to control our ideas --- a scheme to control our imaginations.
Two documentaries, 'Manufacturing Consent' and 'Shadows of Liberty', do a good job ofexplaining how Team GRUNCH uses the media to indoctrinate Team HUMANKIND. Here're their trailers:
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4. Hiding-Behind-the-Curtain tactic
Perhaps you know the scene from the movie 'The Wizard of Oz': Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion are quaking in (what they think to be) the presence of the Great-and-Powerful OZ. They've been sent there by the Munchkins, the inhabitants of the land of Oz. The Munchkins told Dorothy that the Great-and-Powerful Oz could help her find a way home. Then Dorothy's little dog Toto does an amazing thing ... he goes over and pulls open a curtain beside the stage, revealing a man-behind-the-curtain who is creating the illusion of the Great-and-Powerful Oz on the screen in front of them. The man says to them: "Pay no attention to the man-behind-the-curtain"
Team GRUNCH is like 'the-man-behind-the curtain' creating the illusion that politicians and governments have power, when, in fact, Team GRUNCH is running the show. Corporations are performing a colossal conjuring trick, pulling the strings of puppet-politicians from behind the curtain of the political buffoonery show. These puppet-politicians are simply doing the bidding of the corporations. We're hoodwinked by this illusion. We're like the Munchkins who think our politicians and governments are here to help us. And when the politicians and governments don't help us (they don't because they're busy doing the bidding of the corporations, that is, making a profit by exploiting humankind), then we become angry with the politicians and governments. While we're fixated upon and mesmerized by the puppet-politicians, the corporations are literally getting away with murder.
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I made up a new word to describe this situation --- MUNCHKIN-IZED! Team GRUNCH has us believing that it's politicians who are in charge, when in fact it's the giant corporations behind the scenes that are controlling them. Unfortunately for humanity, the 'man-behind-the-curtain' is not a benevolent magician from Kansas, but rather, nonhuman giant corporations whose sole purpose is to make a profit at any cost.
Let's DE-MUNCHKIN-IZE ourselves. Let's stop falling for this diversionary tactic, this conjuring trick.
Let's recognize this whole situation for being the theatre that it is.
Let's stop believing, as the Munchkins do, that the illusion has the power.
Let's start paying attention to the 'man-behind-the-curtain', that is, the giant corporations that are pulling the strings of the puppet-politicians.
Let's stop incessantly discussing the personalities of the puppet-politicians.
Let's stop wasting our beautiful life energy, fixated on this farcical puppet show known as politics.
Let's stop thinking that if we just get a new politician in power or a new government in place, that all our problems will be solved.
And let's start inviting our politicians to Cooperatize (that is, Kill Corporations and Birth Cooperatives). If they don't or won't Cooperarize that'll be proof that they're still just puppets of corporations.
And mostly let's realize, like Dorothy, that the power to solve our problems has always been in our own hands all along. We can exercise that power by playing [ HOME game ].
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We can utilize the power that's in our own hands by converting our 'corporatized' system to a 'Cooperatized' system. Cornell Professor of Neurobiology, Thomas D. Seeley speaks to this in the introduction to his book 'Honeybee Democracy':
"There is one common misunderstanding about the inner operations of a honeybee colony that I must dispel at the onset, namely that a colony is governed by a benevolent dictator, Her Majesty the Queen. The belief that a colony's coherence derives from an omniscient queen (or king) telling the workers what to do is centuries old, tracing back to Aristotle and persisting until modern times. But it is false. What is true is that a colony's queen --- is not the workers' boss. Indeed, there is no all-knowing central planner supervising the thousands and thousands of worker bees in a colony. The work of a hive is instead governed collectively by the workers themselves, each one an alert individual making tours of inspection looking for things to do and acting on her own to serve the community. Living close together, connected by the network of their shared environment and a repertoire of signals for informing one another of urgent labor needs--- for example, dances that direct foragers to flowers brimming with sweet nectar---the workers achieve an enviable harmony of labor without supervision."
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In a honeybee colony, the role of a leader is minimized. A honeybee colony does not require a leader for smooth functioning. This will be the case once we play [ HOME game ] and a 'cooperatized' system is established. This is good news because, as you may have noticed, the leaders put into power by giant corporations (be they democratically elected leaders or dictators) are really just foxes-guarding-the-henhouse which results in the consequent dysfunctioning of our entire operating system when we follow such leaders.
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5. Muddy-the-Waters tactic
This tactic is well demonstrated in a scene from the movie 'Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows' (2011). In this scene, Sherlock Holmes is being held captive by his arch-enemy Professor Moriarty. Holmes is tied up and Moriarty is questioning / torturing him, trying to pry some information from him. Imagine Professor Moriarty here represents the corporations that orchestrate wars so that they may profit enormously.
Sherlock Holmes: "My horror at your crimes is matched only by my admiration at the skill it took to achieve them. You used the anarchists and their bombs to create a crisis in Europe, nation against nation. Under various pseudonyms, you bought, schemed, or murdered your way into numerous industries, assuring that none of it could be traced to you --- cotton, opium, steel, now arms and chemical weaponry. All to be shipped across Europe in less than a week. Everything from bullets to bandages. Now that you own the supply, you intend to create the demand --- A world war."
Professor Moriarty: "You are familiar with Schubert's work. 'The Trout' is perhaps my favorite. A fisherman grows weary of trying to catch an elusive fish. So he muddies the water. Confuses the fish. It doesn't realize until too late that it has swum into a trap."
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Team GRUNCH is constantly using this tactic. Its massive Public Relations / PR machine relentlessly 'muddys-the-waters' to confuse us 'fish'. An example of this tactic is how the PR machine got 'corporatized' degenerative agriculture to be called 'conventional' agriculture. The word 'conventional' is a rather comforting term, implying 'traditional' ... the way things have always been done'. We 'fish' are lulled into thinking: "Oh, yes, this is the way agriculture has always been done ... Grampa and Gramma did it this way." We've become confused and forget that 'conventional' agriculture is anything but 'conventional'. In fact, it's one of the most unbridled departures from traditional agriculture ever to occur in the 10,000 years since we humans have been doing agriculture. And that wouldn't be such a bad thing if it was an improvement on the way things were done in the past, but it's proven itself to be a disaster all the way around --- a disaster for our health and the health of Mother Earth. 'Corporatized' (conventional) agriculture is an all-out-assault on Mother Earth. Corporatized agriculture is plundering and pounding and pulverizing and pillaging and poisoning our own life support systems.
More examples of the 'muddy-the-water' tactic are discussed in the book 'Merchants of Doubt' (there's also a documentary by the same name). A synopsis of the documentary describes it as follows: "Inspired by the book by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, the film takes audiences on a satirically comedic, yet illuminating ride into the heart of conjuring American spin. Filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the curtain on a secretive group of highly charismatic, silver-tongued pundits-for-hire who present themselves in the media as scientific authorities, yet have aim at spreading maximum confusion about well-studied public threats ranging from toxic chemicals to pharmaceuticals to climate change."
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6. Kill-the-Messenger tactic
Historically, whenever one or more of the Many became uppity enough to challenge the Few, the Few were more than ready to suppress the dissidents. The Few have used many ways of doing this. Here're just a few examples of how they do it.
Kill-the-messenger--- this is the most extreme method of suppression. Jesus is probably the most famous example of this method.
Imprisonment and torture---Nelson Mandela of South Africa, and Gandhi of India being examples of this method. Julian Assange is a current day example.
Censorship --- a bloodless way of killing-the-messenger. With our digital technology today, the Few have found new and easy ways to censor dissenting voices. Since giant corporations own most all the media, they can easily control what content gets presented on it. They do this by many means: ... accusing someone of being a conspiracy theorist ... accusing someone of spreading misinformation ... accusing someone of spreading disinformation ... de-platforming the dissenter ... or just plain 'disappearing' dissenters' messages from the Internet.
Exile --- Edward Snowden is a modern day example of this method. An olden-days example is actor Charlie Chaplin. A lot of young people won't know who he is, but in his time, in the early 1900's, he was the most famous and beloved person in the entire world. He was an actor who successfully made the transition from silent films to 'talkies'. One of his main characters was'The Little Tramp', and he gave solace to the battered people of the world, people who were recovering from the ravages of WWI and then the Great Depression (both of which were of course orchestrated by giant corporations in order to reap huge profits). Charlie Chaplin went from being the most famous/beloved person in the world to being exiled from the U.S. in the early 1950's. Here's just one example of why Team GRUNCH targeted him for exile --- In 1939 Chaplin made a movie called 'The Great Dictator'. It's a parody of Hitler who was Chancellor of Germany at that time. Hitler had been helped into power by giant corporations who were wanting a war started (of course, so they could make huge profits), and as the corporation's puppet, Hitler did a bang-up job of getting WWII started. At the time of the movie's release, Europe was in the throes of WWII, and certain giant corporations wanted the U.S. to enter the war also. In the movie, Chaplin plays a poor Jewish person who looks just like Hitler, and through a series of odd circumstances ends up being in the position of impersonating the dictator. Thinking that he really is Hitler, the powers-that-be ask him to give a speech to rally people around the war effort. After watching this speech you'll understand why the Few had to find a way to silence him. Here's that speech. It has been called:
"The Greatest Speech Ever Made"
7. Astroturfing tactic
Giant corporations use this tactic a lot, but you're probably unaware that it's being used on you. That's precisely what Team GRUNCH has designed this tactic to do... to be used on you without you being aware of it. An article by Robert Longley explains how astroturfing is used in political situations. "In political science, astroturfing is an attempt to give the false impression that a certain candidate or policy enjoys widespread grassroots support of the community when little such support exists. Descriptive of its intent, the term “astroturfing” refers to AstroTurf brand synthetic carpeting designed to mimic natural grass. Astroturfing campaigns attempt to mislead the public into believing that their opinion or position is shared by most people. Because people tend to adopt the opinions they believe to be held by the majority—the so-called herd instinct— astroturfing campaigns can become an obstacle to independent thinking."
"Now often associated with the derogatory term “fake news,” astroturfing in politics is defined as attempting to manufacture a false illusion of wide-spread, “grassroots” public opinion favoring or opposing a particular candidate, legislative measure, or cause. From a psychological perspective, a person’s beliefs on a particular subject are often influenced by the beliefs of others. In this context, astroturfing takes advantage of the bandwagon effect—a phenomenon that occurs when more people do something simply because they believe other people are doing it. The more people who “hop on the bandwagon,” the harder it is to stop it. Victims of astroturfing become so anxious to join the crowd riding the bandwagon, they may ignore or reject underlying evidence as well as their own beliefs."
Below, Robert Longley continues by giving an example of one method of astroturfing called the 'front group'. "For example, the National Smoker’s Alliance (NSA) was formed in 1993 to oppose the passage of anti-smoking legislation in the U.S. Congress. While the NSA presented itself as a grassroots organization of private citizens concerned for the rights of adult smokers, it was exposed as being a public relations group created, funded, and operated by tobacco industry giant Philip Morris."
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1. Survival-of-the-Fittest myth
Some of you may be saying: "Hey wait a minute --- I've been taught that it's a dog-eat-dog world out there, survival-of-the-fittest and all that. How can we progress if we're not competing and trying to get ahead of the other guy? "
But consider what Marc Bekoff, professor of biology at the University of Colorado at Boulder, has to say about that. He made it his life's purpose to study the "biological basis of cooperation" in animals.
Bekoff says: "My work, along with that of many others such as Jane Goodall and Michael W. Fox, has shown that it's not always 'Nature red in tooth and claw.' Animal behavior is a combination: Sometimes animals, including humans, are aggressive and assertive and warlike, and sometimes they are compassionate, empathetic, and cooperative. Aggression is not inevitable or any more 'natural' than cooperation. The research that I've done has a strong quantitative, empirical, and statistical basis that supports that --- We find the roots of cooperation, fairness, justice, empathy, and trust in the behavior of animals."
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Marc Bekoff found that "Play behavior is really the place to look for the biological basis of cooperation, fairness, and trust." He spent more than 30 years conducting "research focused on the cooperative nature of play --- how animals play fairly; how they trust one another, forgive one another; apologize to one another; how they are nice to one another." This is why I set up these websites as a game to be 'played' ... human beings are at their best when they're playing.
So come on Team HUMANKIND, let's play[ HOME game ] and create Harmony-On-Mother-Earth!
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2. Scarcity myth
An example of how Team GRUNCH uses the 'Scarcity' myth is in its promotion of 'corporatized' agriculture. It says we can't feed the world unless we use 'corporatized' agriculture's poison-torture-kill-and-till practices. In his book, 'Fighting the Food Giants', Paul Stitt notes: "It is a myth that there is not enough to go around, that there is no way the Earth can support its exploding population. The truth is that most of the world's food resources are controlled by a handful of greedy men, who deny people the right to grow food for themselves but try to sell them Western-produced junk instead. [Some experts] estimate that if all the arable land on Earth were used properly and sowed with foods for human consumption, the Earth could support 60 billion people." (there are currently about 8 billion people on Earth.)
The fact is, we can have great abundance by applying Revitalizing / Regenerative Agricultural practices.
Permaculture design master Geoff Lawton concurs: "You can fix all the world's problems in a garden. You can solve them all in a garden. You can solve all your pollution problems and all your supply line needs in a garden. And most people don't actually know that. And that makes most people very insecure."
Ah! --- knowledge --- insecure no more! Dispel the 'Scarcity' myth for yourself --- plant a zucchini ;-)
Everyday, each and everyone of us 8 billion humans has an opportunity to play[ HOME game ]. By playing[ HOME game ] Team HUMANKIND can defeat Team GRUNCH and create Harmony On Mother Earth. That's a lot of power we have in our own hands!
So now, keeping Team GRUNCH'S tactics and myths in mind, let's explore in the following pages of this website some ideas for how we can play [ HOME game ].